Don't think it felt more complete than it had been yesterday night.
And yet it's still unfinished.
Like the unburied coffin to end off the book of Genesis.
Last night at Watchnight I was reminded to look forward, to turn the page because there's an Exodus waiting.
I grew up this year, in terms of worldliness yes but not in my spiritual walk.
And this walk, no matter how many times I've hidden out of shame and rebellion, You still followed me.
I promised myself I would never grow blind to Pride but then again, it was a promise I made to myself and I broke it because all I cared about was... myself.
And I grew blind.
But how do You do it, how do You always make everything fall into place at the right time?
"Patience, patience."
This morning I lay beside you and I told you that beginning of 2011, I asked God to teach me to be patient.
And I just realised something.
That you are the one who has been telling me to live by that very word throughout the month of December and I cannot be in awe of how god-sent you are.
I asked God to give me someone to love and someone who loves me back the same way.
Look at where I am now.
So I continued to ask, then I made mistakes but yet I still received.
That's how I know You never go back on Your promise.
That's how faithful You are.
That's how I know You love me because You give me second chances.
Thou art mine, and I am thine.
The devil is the father of all lies.
The devil never tried.
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