Tuesday, January 3, 2012

I will see the season through/ I will fix my eyes on You

This is how I will approach the coming year:

To always reflect

To excel, fight, but first and foremost with patience then aggression

To never compromise and to remain loyal to all things and people who are good

To rest and laugh.
I love big cats!!

Circumstances don't define us.
The past year is history and I have left every burden behind, though it doesn't mean my flaws don't contribute to who I am today.
To me, a "fresh start" means a repentant heart.
I believe 2011 was a year long phase that has made me sad, made me weary and angry at almost everything.
I needed a reason for you to say mean things to me, if not I'd never accept it if "you just felt like it".
I needed a reason to keep poisons away from me.
I needed a ton of reasons to go back to church regularly.
And I had plentiful of reasons to be revengeful and hurtful.
But I guess in the end, the One who is said to be sovereign has proven Himself to be, always, and rescue came to me.

"In his eyes she eclipses and predominates the whole of her sex."

I want to always be your softer passion, and the one who makes you happy till we don't want this anymore. Which will probably be a long long time. 
Lust and love must coexist and I trust in love more.
Sometimes I fear lust because it has had men at their most fleeting, at their most charmed states.
But when you look at me, I know I trust in love more.


Dear you:

I know what you feel.
I know that things like that are taboo, you can't speak about it because you can't be weak.
But I already know what you feel.
It is in every blink of your eye, in every swear you've made.
They think you as ambiguous but I see it straight through.
I picked up those words and they were disinterested and of course, politically correct.
But you are not the victim.
I know what you feel and I hope it passes soon.

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