Wednesday, May 1, 2013


What does it mean to be there for a friend?

Do you learn to love specific bits of them that hurt you?
Do you listen to them even if you're so tired and you can't differentiate annoyance from Stop?
Do you keep quiet when they manipulate and use you to feel better about themselves?

I think that you've found the one person you will marry.
And it's absolutely terrifying to have to let go of what you've always known to rely on the God everyone tells you about. Yet, you've experienced Him before.
It starts from remembering that little experience. It starts from being a child again, from saying "Jesus loves me and He is good all the time."

But I know how hard it is to abandon all to love God with your heart. When we choose worldly love above spiritual sustenance. It is a sort of sick worship we always guarded ourselves against and never wanted to get ourselves into. But here we are.

What does it mean to be there for a friend?

I hide behind a blog post, because I am faced with an unforgiveness and I want to stay away.

But, we must stop living our lives with excess. I texted you and you may text me back.

I hide behind a text, but I'll be here.

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